Romantic Vermont Getaway to Twin Farms

Romantic Vermont Getaway Twin Farms

He surprised me with a card on a Friday night.     Inside were cutesy vague instructions: I had 24 hours to pack, and 48 hours of a romantic Vermont getaway to look forward to.    Hotel not yet disclosed.    After 20 minutes of me begging for a hint (delaying “vacation-gratification” is not my forté),…

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Rosewood Mayakoba: An Unforgettable Luxury Family Resort

Rosewood Mayakoba An Unforgettable Luxury Family Resort

If Disney is “Where Dreams Come True” for kids, then Rosewood Mayakoba, a luxury family resort, is where that happens for moms and dads.    That’s right parents – that utopian escape exists!  Your dream of having a recharging and relaxing vacation while with those crazy kiddos IS going to happen.  The Rosewood royal treatment…

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The Best African Safari Packing Guide

Safari packing guide

Packing for a safari is unlike any other packing experience. Why so? A safari destination has drastically varying temperatures throughout the day, but you won’t be allowed to take much with you! In Tanzania, the weather forecast in August generally went like this: very chilly in the morning, scorching hot in the afternoon, chilly at…

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Tanzania Safari Honeymoon Guide


During the midst of wedding planning, my husband pitched the idea of a safari for our honeymoon.  I will admit — I was a little apprehensive, but I quickly got on board after doing some research.  Everyone says you have to conquer your fears, right?  Well, an open air, window-less, door-less jeep — sitting adjacent…

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Enchantment Resort Review: Luxury Sedona Hotel

pool enchantment resort review

Maybe it was the magic energy of the vortexes.  Maybe it was the glowing red rock scenery.  Or maybe the panoramic views of the Boynton Canyon had us in a trance.  All I know is, Enchantment Resort put us under a spell.     We visited Sedona both for a babymoon escape, and again the…

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